33C3 Watchlist


Okay, the 33C3 is over for quite some time and I didn’t write about it. Short form: I was there, it was amazing, I was sick afterwards.

I havn’t seen lots of talks yet, but here is my watchlist:

My Take on DNSSEC – Part 3: How to configure it in BIND (cancelled)


Just as a quick note here:

I originally planned to do my third part on DNSSEC with configuration hints using the popular DNS server BIND. At the moment I also use BIND for my setup.

Now I discovered the “Advanced Secuity Notifications” at ISC, which sells prior warnings about security issues in BIND. Personally, I don’t want to support this model.

Instead I am currently migrating to another DNS server implemenation, YADIFA, which I will then write about. But first I need to check my setup using this server.

Installing pyLoad on a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Jessie


If you are anything like me [1], you like to have dedicated Services which do stuff for you. One of the Services I like in particular is pyLoad [2]. This program you be used to automatically load files from OneClick Hosters. This is esspecially useful if you run this on a small computer like the Raspberry Pi [3] and dump the downloaded data to a central Storage like a NAS.

There are lots of blogposts out there which detail how to install pyLoad on a RaspberryPi [4, 5, 6]. For most parts I don’t really want to say anything against these, but there was one point in particular that I dislike about all of these. This is the reason why I am now writing my own guide. So let’s get started.

32C3 – My personal video list


Hi there,

After quite a long time of silence (*cough* Sorry about that) I think I can write a new post.

At the end of last year I was at the 32C3. That is the 32nd Chaos Communication Congress. This year about 12000 nice people got together and captured the Congress Center in Hamburg for four days. Apart from the giant program of talks (which I will talk about in a second) the main part of the congress is the opportunity to meet other people and have a blast of a time. I managed to meet a lot of nice people and I learned so much during the time that I will need some time to fully sort that in my mind.

The Company Strikes Back & Return of the Notebook

For some time now, I haven’t been writing here. But since I was asked how the story about my notebook ended, I thought I should post an update here. Yes, I got my notebook back. It’s been three month now, that I have been using it, and everything seems to be fine. I wasn’t sure about that, when I received the package, so I documented every step of unboxing. 😉