32C3 – My personal video list
Hi there,
After quite a long time of silence (*cough* Sorry about that) I think I can write a new post.
At the end of last year I was at the 32C3. That is the 32nd Chaos Communication Congress. This year about 12000 nice people got together and captured the Congress Center in Hamburg for four days. Apart from the giant program of talks (which I will talk about in a second) the main part of the congress is the opportunity to meet other people and have a blast of a time. I managed to meet a lot of nice people and I learned so much during the time that I will need some time to fully sort that in my mind.
But back to the talks. This year I volunteered as an Angel (again). These angels are the helpers that take shifts and do all the various jobs that need to be done to get the congress running. That starts at manning the bars or the cashier desk, controlling the access to the congress area at the entries, sorting empty bottles in the storage area but also range to announcing the speakers at the talks or operating the cameras which film the talks. This last one is a task which I did for the first time this year. I had lots of fun and learned some basic stuff about image composition and tracking speakers on stage. The talks I helped filming are also annotated in the list below.
All the talks are available at media.ccc.de and the following list just shows my personal favorites. There are still some vidoes which I didn’t get to watching these are still missing from my list.
- Opening Event
- Keynote - Keynote … Surprising speaker and nice message.
- “Fluxus cannot save the world” - I filmed the close-up on this one. The guest speaker surprised me here and jumped from stage into the audience. I didn’t know about the fluxus movement beforeheand and am still not sure whether I fully understand what they are doing.
- (In)Security of Embedded Devices´ Firmware - Didn’t get to watching this (yet) but heard good things about it. Definitely on my watchlist.
- (Un)Sicherheit von App-basierten TAN-Verfahren im Onlinebanking - The next proof why it is stupid to bundle the two-factor authentication app on the same device as the controlled app.
- 32C3 Infrastructure Review - A standard talk about the congress. Some nice data about the network and other infrastructure on congress.
- 3D printing on the moon - Sending a 3D-printing roboter to the moon … Do I need to say more?
- A Dozen Years of Shellphish - Quite a disturbing talk about automated exploiting. I am not sure what I think (ethically) about this one.
- Beyond Anti Evil Maid - How to protect your computer and detect malicious software in the boot process. Made me want to try coreboot but sadly not working with my devices yet. Also I filmed one camera on this one, but that was quite easy.
- Beyond your cable modem - This talks leaves some barren wasteland where there used to be the believe in network security in cable internet networks.
- Breaking Honeypots for Fun and Profit - A nice talk about honeypots. I wanted to install a honeypot for some time and I am not sure I still want that now.
- Buffering sucks! - Calculating the price of buffering on global economy.
- Compileroptimierungen für Forth im Microcontroller - I filmed this one but didn’t really get the point on this one. Didn’t get into Forth before this one, but seems like a nice language.
- Crypto ist Abwehr, IFG ist Angriff! - Summing the experience with freedom of information. Nice talk.
- Ein Abgrund von Landesverrat - The blog netzpolitik.org was charged with treason. This is the summary of their experience.
- Fnord-Jahresrückblick - A standard talk. I think it looses its appeal over time but still nice.
- Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall! - A grat reading of protocols from investigations against our intelligence agencies. A must view.
- Hardware-Trojaner in Security-Chips - Trojans in software a nothing new, here is the talk about the same thing in hardware.
- How hackers grind an MMORPG: by taking it apart! - After two years of WoW I was interested in this one. A nice talk about some general reverse engineering of network protocols.
- Intelexit - Making intelligence officers leave thir jobs. A great and funny talk. I filmed the close-up on this one and was exausted after the talk because the speaker walked around stage A LOT. But the camera was great and it was really fun doing this.
- Jahresrückblick des CCC - Summing up the activites of CCC in 2015. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Let’s Encrypt - What launching a free CA looks like - Free encryption for everyone. Fuck yeah!
- Logjam: Diffie-Hellman, discrete logs, the NSA, and you - Not viewed yet but definitely going to.
- Methodisch inkorrekt! - Watch this! Watch this! Watch this!
- NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: Zwischen Aufklärungswillen und Mauern aus Schweigen - Another talk about the intelligence agencies and the surrounding scandals.
- Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor MITM… The State of Email Security in 2015 - Secure your eMail more. This talk has no real suggestions how to do it but shows what is available.
- QRtistry - Making art with QR codes. Also gives some nice explanations about QR codes and where to put data in them.
- Security Nightmares 0x10 - Having nightmares about security? This talk won’t make it better.
- Shopshifting - Since watching this talk I don’t want to use my debit card for payment anymore. Huge holes in the security of payment terminals.
- Wie man einen Blackout verursacht - How to break the power distribution network. It is not that easy.
- Closing Event
As I said there are still lots of talks to be watched. I will probably post a second list then.